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Aiming to be a company that can help customers strengthen their competitiveness

Thank you very much for your help. We are a packaging material trading company based in Mie Prefecture.

Although packaging materials are usually inconspicuous, It is also a material that enhances the sales effect,

such as "showing the characteristics of good products better".

It is also a material that improves cost efficiency, such as "improving display efficiency" and "reducing waste loss".

In addition, we believe that our products are products that our customers use every day,

and that they play a part in the infrastructure that underpins our customers' businesses.

Since it is a product that is used every day, it is natural that it should be "helpful to customers in terms of price".

· "Quality" Maintaining necessary and sufficient quality

· "Improved workability" Total VE function including workability etc.

· "Delivery" A function that sequentially delivers the required amount

· "Environmental consideration" Contribution to the environment

· "Branding effect"  

Function to support customer's branding through design And so on, I think that comprehensive ability will be questioned.

We have delivered a wide variety of products to various businesses, mainly in Mie Prefecture.

Recently, we have started to procure directly from overseas, and the lineup of products has been enhanced.


Kamioz Industry Co., Ltd.

Representative Director and President

[Challenge and Growth]

〒515-0019   OZ Building, 384-1 Chuocho, Matsusaka City, Mie 
TEL: 0598-51-0003㈹ / FAX: 0598-51-0080
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