Strengths of Kamioz Industry
Our company focuses on packaging materials,We are a trading company that handles products that you use every day.
We handle over 10,000 items,We boast a wide variety of products.
In order to realize those product lineups, including cooperating companies,More than 300 suppliers in Japan and overseas.
However, if we only deal with it in a comprehensive manner,Differentiation from specialized manufacturers and trading companies is difficult.
We nurture industry and product expertise for each person in charge,We provide training to enhance planning and proposal capabilities.
By arranging many specialized members in each field, as a result,We aim to be a company that can “compete with comprehensive strength”.
For packaging material trading companiesAn essential function is the “logistics” function.
We have a large number of our own delivery flights, including cooperating companies,I am working on daily delivery.

Procurement network

Procured from over 300 manufacturers in Japan and overseas We procure products from domestic and Asian manufacturers and cooperating companies.
When you hear the word “procurement,” you may think of purchasing ready-made products, but we also manufacture bespoke products and original products. We have established a production system at our partner factories.
Based on our long history of business transactions, we are able to carry out smooth transactions, including custom-made products.

Logistics network

We support you in a wide range of areas from Hokkaido to Kyushu. Supporting this is the skilled distribution center staff.
We carry out daily inspections and incoming/outgoing work.
Due to the characteristics of our products, long-distance delivery is not suitable. In addition to the delivery routes to all over the country, we have several distribution centers mainly in Mie Prefecture, We have a logistics system in place close to our customers.
Within Mie Prefecture, we have a large number of route flights, including our own flights and dedicated flights.We will deliver your important cargo in the required quantity at the required time.

Due to recent trends, demands for design are diversifying and deepening day by day. In particular, the number of requests for package design and graphic design is increasing steadily due to the characteristics of "packaging materials".
We have several in-house design engineers and designers.
・Design for items
・Company-wide design/branding support
・Improvement of existing packages
・Production of company logos/characters
・Web production support
We carry out various operations such as.
We also have a design engineer because we have been manufacturing paper containers for a long time. Due to the influence of work style reform, etc., the number of design projects for "improving workability" is increasing these days.
Design is not just about sense. Management perspective, marketing perspective, and various inputs are required.
Regarding the design done by a packaging material trading company, not by a designer office, we have the following points: "point of view of creating a sales floor", "point of view of differentiation from competing products", and "point of view of price rationality". We believe that we have strengths in various aspects.Please feel free to contact us for comprehensive design support.